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Brittany Primavera

Brittany’s teaching approach encourages strong flute fundamentals and draws from her experiences with diverse musical styles.
Specialities & Highlights:

• Flute Fundamentals

• Auditions

• Piccolo

• Fife and Drum Music

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Full Biography

Brittany Primavera is a solo performer, recording artist, chamber musician, and educator who has performed in Asia, Europe, and North and South America. She is Principal Flutist of the Old Bridge Chamber Orchestra (Virginia), Flute Coach for tonebase, and serves in The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own” as Public Affairs NCO and Unit Photographer.

Brittany previously served as a fifer in the United States Army's Fife and Drum Corps, where she performed at The White House (Washington D.C.) and Parliament Hill (Canada), as well as several notable flute conventions and musters (The 2018 National Muster, Chester 150th Muster, Florida Flute Convention, Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention, and Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia Convention). She has performed and taught at Virginia Tech, Northeastern State University, Luther College, Coe College, Millersville University, Lafayette College, the University of North Texas, and Lubbock Christian University.

Brittany’s teaching approach encourages strong flute fundamentals and draws from her experiences with diverse musical styles. No matter where you are on your flute journey, she will guide you to fulfill your potential and elevate your playing. She specializes in audition preparation, reconnecting students with their instruments after some time away, and helping all in her studio achieve personal practice and performance goals.

Brittany holds the Master of Music and Bachelor of Music degrees from the University of North Texas in performance with an emphasis in Chamber Music, Music Theory, and Spanish. Her primary teacher was Mary Karen Clardy. Ms. Primavera holds a certificate from the Janáčkova akademie múzických umění (Brno, Czech Republic) and a diploma from the Académie Internationale d'Eté de Nice (Nice, France), with additional studies with Vaclav Kunt, Frantisek Kantor, and Philippe Bernold.

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