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Heather Roche

20 years of experience performing and teaching, with a passion for helping clarinetists improve their playing and performing.
Specialities & Highlights:

• Specialist in chamber music, solo repertoire and extended techniques

• Appears on over 40 CD recordings of 20th and 21st century repertoire on the another timbre, NMC, Métier and empreintes digitales labels

• Soloist with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in the performance of Scott McLaughlin's Clarinet Concerto "Natura Naturans"

• Plays with the group Apartment House, who are currently Ensemble-in-Residence at Wigmore Hall, London.

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Full Biography

Born in Canada, clarinetist Heather Roche lives in London. Referred to as “The Queen of Extended Techniques” on BBC Radio 3, she appears regularly as a soloist and chamber musician at European festivals, including HCMF, Acht Brücken (Cologne), Wittener Tage (Germany), Musica Nova (Helsinki), MusikFest (Berlin), BachFest (Leipzig), Manifeste (Paris), etc.

She currently plays with Apartment House and has had a duo with accordionist Eva Zöllner since 2017, with whom she has toured Mexico, Sweden, Colombia and Brazil. She has performed as a soloist with the BBCSSO, and performed with ensembles including the London Sinfonietta, the LSO, Musikfabrik, the WDR Symphony Orchestra, Red Note, Riot Ensemble, manufaktur für aktuelle musik, and Mimitabu, etc.

She holds a PhD from the University of Huddersfield. Her blog on writing for the clarinet attracts 70,000 viewers each year. She is also Reviews Editor of TEMPO, published by Cambridge University Press, and teaches clarinet at Goldsmiths University. Her debut solo CD, Ptelea, is out on HCR/NMC, and her CD featuring the clarinet works of Christopher Fox, Headlong, appears on Métier. She also records regularly for the Another Timbre label. www.heatherroche.net

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